December 25, 2024

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Job Description

Job Information

👉 Salary :

👉 Employment Type:

👉 Job Level :

Mid Level(3-5 years)

👉 Deadline :

Jan 10, 2025


RFP NO. GC/FO/026/25

Global Communities would like to invite eligible bidders that are qualified, technically competent and have valid license of the FY  2016/2017 E.C for above captioned consultancy service.

Background and Project Description

Global Communities, iDE and GOAL have been implementing a five-year resilience in RIPA South activity, in five target Zones in Ethiopia: Borena and East Borena Zones in Oromia Region; Liben and Dawa Zones in Somali Region and South Omo Zone in South Ethiopia Region (SER). RIPA South’s objective was to improve resilience that enhances food security and inclusive economic growth of 107,533 households within targeted pastoral regions of Ethiopia. 

The WE intervention is embedded within RIPA South’s components, and it aims to improve the social and financial capital of pastoralist women and youth. Global Communities has decades of experience promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality through economic empowerment, financial inclusion and behavioral change programs. Through the Women Empowered (WE) savings group initiative, Global Communities promotes financial inclusion and the social, economic, and political empowerment of women. Under RIPA South project a total of 1,115 WE saving and lending groups encompassing 20,486 members have been formed and strengthened. To date, the total cumulative saving mobilized by the groups reached ETB 26,452,151 (USD 235360), while ETB 9,131,817 (USD 81,251) disbursed as loans for group members to engage in alternative income-generating activities (IGA). Additionally, WE group members mobilized a cumulative saving amounting to ETB 5,630,265 (USD 50,095) as a social fund. 

Objective of the Evaluation:

The main objective of WE RIPA South evaluation is to assess and report on the outcomes and impacts of the RIPA South WE intervention using established evaluation criteria, providing insights into contributions to resilience, economic empowerment, and social inclusion among pastoralist communities   

Specific Objectives 

  • Identify and assess the outcomes of the RIPA South WE intervention, including improved purposeful saving practices; improved decision-making; increased productive assets; improved resilience capacity among WE group members. 

  • Measure progress in women’s representation in local community structures and women’s active participation in discussing and advocating collective women’s issues. 

  • Document the main challenges, lessons learned, and good practices related to social and economic empowerment of women within the RIPA project. 

  • Assess how the WE intervention contributes to changes in the resilience capacity, economic, social and political empowerment of targeted pastoralist women. 

  • Analyze the potential for sustainability within the WE intervention by examining early indicators of group independence, capacity for savings continuity, income generation, and community ownership. 

  • And others as indicated in the ToR. 

Consultant team/firm and Qualification

  • The consultant team should have a multi-disciplinary team, with combined experience and expertise in Village Savings and Loans Associations/community-based savings groups approaches, monitoring, evaluation and learning for women’s empowerment and gender equality. 

  • The team members should have a background in development studies, economics or related field with experience in conducting two or more similar assessments in similar areas specifically in pastoralist areas. 

  • The consultant should submit their firm consultancy/evaluation experiences or recommendations along with updated CVs of the proposed evaluation team. 

  • Must have a renewed license, VAT and TIN number. 

How To Apply

Interested and qualified consultancy firm should submit a detail financial and technical proposal. The technical proposal should include understanding of the evaluation assignment, company capacity 


experience letter/recommendation explicitly stating previous experience of similar evaluation rom organization, updated CVs of the evaluation team along with letter of availability for this assignment, robust 

and detailed evaluation methodology/design, the detailed work plan indicating the dates/days for each task as indicated in the evaluation terms of reference.

The Original and copy of both financial and technical proposal should be submitted with a company letter head and supplier legal address placed in a sealed and stamped envelope to Global Communities, 

Ethiopia Office, around Meskel Flower Hotel, Aster Plaza, 7th floor, Tel (251)114702215. The proposal submission date is January 10, 2025, before 5;00 pm.  

Interested consultant firm must receive full solicitation document, terms of reference along with evaluation criteria by directly emailing to; Â