Re-Advertisement of Terms of Reference (ToR) for: Radio and TV Production, Designing, printing and publishing services

December 25, 2024

Apply for this job

Job Description

Job Information

👉 Salary :

👉 Employment Type:
Full time

👉 Job Level :

Senior(5-8 years)

👉 Deadline :

Jan 04, 2025

EWLA invites eligible bidders for Radio and TV Production, Designing, printing and publishing services. 

Background of EWLA 

Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association has been established at the federal level in 1995 by Women lawyers and re-registered as Local Organization in accordance with the Civil Society Organization. It has been working for more than 25 years to promote women’s social, economic, political and legal rights to help women exercise their constitutional and other rights.

The aim of the association is to promote equal participation of women in all sectors and to prevent sexual violence against women and create a safe environment for women through its three programs: Legal Research and Advocacy, Public Education and Capacity Building, and Free Legal Aid service. 

The association is head quartered in Addis Ababa and has opened its regional offices in seven regions  and one city administration namely Adama, Hawassa, Bahir Dar, Gambella, Asosa, Jigjiiga, Semera regions and city administration of Dire Dawa. In order to make the service accessible to all, the association is working to continue its service in the zones and woredas under its regional and city administration branches and has so far established 55 volunteer committee centers across the country. Besides, it has established a hotline service (7711) which operates in 3 local languages: Amharic, Afan Oromo and Tigrigna.

In order to implement media, communication and related activities, EWLA intends to work hard on it. Hence, the Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA) requires the services of a qualified Advertisement and Production Companies, Producers, Printing and Publication companies for TV and Radio Production, ICC/BCC and visibility materials designing and publications. 

General Objective of the Service/Work

To produce Radio and Tv productions and to design and publish different publication materials on EWLA’s visibility and its works via broadcast and print media alternatives. 

Specific Objective 

  • To aware stake holders about Violence Against Women (VAW), Gender Based Violence (GBV), Violence Against Women in Election/Politics (VAW-E/P), Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, female domestic workers’ rights, Industry worker women’s rights and Women Rights in general 

  • To suggest means of overcoming trauma for people in IDP centers

  • To publicize the findings of researches and rapid assessments 

  • To aware female domestic workers and industry  about their rights and obligations

  • To increase awareness on women rights 

  • To develop women’s knowledge about the different laws, policies related to their rights

Scope of the Service/Work

  • Under the supervision of EWLA, the winner company will have the responsibility on the following activities: 

  • Develop high quality contents and Produce Radio and TV productions (Adverts, programs and panel discussions)

  • Design and Print/Publish different visibility and ICC/BCC materials with high quality


  • The selected company shall ensure that: 

  • Deliver inception report 

  • Produce content for the air time based on the agreed outline

  • Comprehensive production draft report and printing sample 

  • Deliver the content for comments and work on the feedback

  •  Submit the first draft hard and soft copy of the production and the publication materials for confirmation.

  • Submit the final draft of the production and the publication materials both in soft and hard copy.

Evaluation and Requirement 

  • Bidders must submit the following:

Technical Evaluation 

  • Company Profile

  • Samples of the previous productions and publications

  • Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation

  • Plan for this assignment

Financial Evaluation

  • The financial evaluation should cover all costs associated with the content development and production or design and publication of:

  • Radio program (A 30 minutes radio production) 

  • 60 seconds (one-minute) Radio and TV Advertisement production 

  • TV production (60 minutes TV program or panel) production)

  • Different visibility and BCC materials (Such as; Banner (common sizes), Roll up, Billboard (common sizes), T-shirt, Notebook, pen, Bag, Brochure/flyer, poster, Newsletter (common page numbers), Magazine (common page numbers), Mini booklet (10 to 30 pages), booklet (30 to 50 pages), Book, sticker, business card, scarf, key holder, Id card, Certificate, pen, File Folder , scarf, hat, tea-Cup, etc..

  • The price of each of the above listed materials (design, production/print) should be put clearly in tabular form according to the above list. 

Time frame

This assignment will take place for one year from the signing of the contract by both parties. The print and production work will be only on call throughout the year, not at one time. 

Amendments to/Termination of the TOR 

EWLA may amend the TOR or the selection/approval process at any time, including the closing Time, or terminate the TOR. Any such change that affects the bidders will be communicated to all bid applicants with a clear understanding that EWLA is not liable for any costs or compensation for the preparation of the proposals by the bidders. 

Proprietary interests on all materials and documents prepared by the consultants under the assignment shall become and remain properties of EWLA. The company shall not either during the term or after termination of the assignment, disclose any proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy. For any use of the produced/published materials other than for the purpose of this task, the company must receive consent from EWLA in writing.

Application Requirement 

  • Interested medias or production companies, publishers and producers should bring the following company legal requirements:

  • Renewed Company Registration Certificate and/or Business License in Ethiopia

  • Renewed Trade registration license, Tin and VAT registration certificate 

  • Full and accurate physical, postal, telephone and email address 

  • Note: Lack of any of these will lead to disqualification

Qualifications and Experiences of the producer

  • At least 5 years of work experience in production of radio series, spot, ads and Printing/publishing materials in a production and printing companies. 

  • Experience in conducting similar production and printing materials.

  • Fluency in English and Amharic (both written and oral) 

How To Apply

Interested applicants should submit separate technical and financial proposals and other documents in the application procedure section of this TOR in two sealed envelopes through the following address: 

In-Person: EWLA Head Office: Kirkos Sub-city, Bulgaria Mazoria, Behind, St. Michael Church Or   Via email: for ten (10) working days counting from the day this TOR is posted. 

Note: Those who submit their proposal via Email should write “ToR for Radio and TV Production, Designing, printing and publishing services”   as a subject line of your email.

Contact person cell phone: +251 115 50 8759/+251 115 50 8783