National Inclusive education Coordinator/Project Manager

Apply for this job

Job Description

Job Information

👉 Salary :

👉 Employment Type:
Full time

👉 Job Level :

Executive(VP, Director)

👉 Deadline :

Jan 04, 2025

  • The Ethiopian National Association of the Blind is a non-profitable Association established to serve Blind community in 1960. It aims to uphold the inherent dignity and fundamental rights of blind and disabled individuals. To achieve these aims, it has designed the principles of inclusiveness, respect for the dignity of people with visual impairment, meaningful participation and so on.

  • ENAB is looking for a qualified National inclusive education coordinator/Project Manager of National Inclusive Education, who will responsible for Leading and coordinating inclusive education projects under the Ethiopian national Association of the blind.  


  • Job Title: National Inclusive education Coordinator/Project Manager 

  • Job category: Education jobs in Ethiopia

  • Experience level: Senior Level

  • Salary and other allowances: 48,000.00 monthly salary with transportation &communication allowances, 2,200 and 2,000 respectively 

  • Place of work: Addis Ababa, Head office with frequent travel to the intervention areas.


  • Compiling, analyzing and monitoring policies, laws, and manuals on inclusive education in Ethiopia

  •  Identifying the gaps in the implementation of inclusive education focusing on students with disabilities mainly students’visual impairment

  • Developing, implementing and evaluating project that help Transforming the braille into high level through the country

  •  Advocating for the adoption of a legal framework that enhance quality of education for blind citizens;

  • Prioritizing advocacy issues in the effective implementation of inclusive education for students with disabilities in general and students with visual impairment in particular.

  • Collaboration with partners in Ethiopia (including actively participating in Inclusive Education Technical Working groups)

  •  Collaboration and communication stake holders that directly and indirectly work on inclusive education.

  • Support, roll-out, and development of ILA model in pilot schools.

  • Lead and collaborate the identification of principal trainers and observers that are key for the implementation of the ILA modules.

  •  Provide systematic technical advice, training/capacity strengthening, and mentoring of ENAB staff, key personal and TOFI- partners on Inclusive Education.

  • Write a technical report and other knowledge products

  • Communicate and share key lessons learned, designing and leading workshops and other forms of knowledge exchange among identified partners and networks on inclusive education

  • Support partners in organizing an Inclusive Education Network consisting of the major stake holders from national and international stake holders.

  • Working in line with the needs of persons with physical, mental, and auditory disabilities in inclusive education activities.

  • work in close contact with federal regional educational organs

  • Provide managerial and technical support for Boarding schools administered under the Association


  • Problem solving and negotiation skills

  • Good local dialect spoken, Speak fluently in English, Afan Oromo & Amharic.

  • Good communication and presentation skills

  • Strong analytical skill

  • Builds a useful network of contacts and relationships and utilizes it to achieve objectives

  • Those with work experience on disability and informed in disability related conceptsare encouraged,

  • Experience in reporting and monitoring using quantitative and qualitative analysis

  • Experience in developing and conducting trainings, campaigns and community work

  • Experience project management and planning program design

  • Experience working effectively with governments, civil society, multilaterals, and the private sector.

  • Experience in signing language and braille writing and reading skill is a plus for the applicant.


  • Graduating in child development psychology, curriculum development, Pedagogy, Educational leadership/administration, and management, educational psychology, Inclusive education, special needs, project management and related 

  • The applicant should have an experience of 12 years for BA degree,10 years for master degree (MA/MSc) and 8 years for PhD in the fields related to those mentioned above

  • Experience working with people with disability is an advantages

  • Minimum two years’ experience in an NGO(Local or International), Association, Private sector, research centers 

How To Apply

  • Applicants who fulfill the criteria hereunder can apply in person at the head quarter of ENAB found at Sidist Kilo, near to Yekatit hospital producing originals and photo copies of work experience certificate, educational certificates, CV and identity cards and by filling the form prepared to that effect.

  • Applicants outside of Addis Ababa can send the compiled scan copy of their documents via ethionabinfo@gmail.comemail, but ENAB encouraged application in person. 

  • Applicants with disabilities particularly women with disabilities are encouraged to apply for this vacancy


  • Application time is within 10 consecutive days of this post during working hours.

  • ENAB will notify exam type through the telephone or email address filled in the application form or CV.

  • Note 

  • The Document must be merged in single document PDF format.

  • For further information, use phone number 0111111021

  • Applicants with disabilities particularly women with disabilities are encouraged to apply for this vacancy