HTCC Market Enhancement via RBF

Apply for this job

Job Description

Job Information

👉 Salary :

👉 Employment Type:

👉 Job Level :

Junior Level(1-3 years)

👉 Deadline :

Dec 31, 2024

This ToR is prepared to solicit eligible enterprises who shall sell eligible High Tier Clean e-cooking (HTCC) stoves for end users and financial incentive provided by the project after the sale is affected and verified. The number of enterprises will depend on the proposed operation area as which stated below, and it will be at least two – four in one operation area.  With this RBF scheme the project aimed at enhancing the market for 15000 ecooking stoves.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Eligible enterprises to participate in the RBF scheme must meet the following criteria. They should be 

  • Must be legally registered enterprises/entities under the relevant Ethiopian law 
  • Must operate as wholesalers,  retailers, sales agents (if the importers and manufacturers are engaged in retailing they are also eligible)
  • Who are selling eligible higher-tier clean cooking and baking stoves to end users
  • Women entrepreneurs are highly encouraged. Which mean the enterprises  that owned by or managed by and/ or largely employed women.
  • The enterprise should provide standard and labelling certifications of each product from responsible Ethiopian Government body or if the product is imported the labelling and standard can be from the factory and the government in which the product was produced. 
  • If the above is not applicable for imported products, the supplier can bring performance test results from Petroleum and Energy Authority.
  • The enterprise who are directly selling the stoves to end users will get priority 
  • The enterprise who will reached out the disadvantage community groups such as poor, women headed households, PSNP households, has an advantage

How To Apply


  • The applicant can submit the proposal via email: and physical at SNV head office Addis Ababa procurement department on third floor.  and you can get the TORs on the below link.